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Basic trailer maintenance

Knowing your boat is maintained in top shape gives you confidence every time you leave the dock. Whether you do it yourself or choose a Mercury authorised dealer for your service and maintenance needs, every boat owner should be familiar with the basic principles of marine maintenance. 

Can you tow It?

Towing capacity is determined by the tow vehicle manufacturer, and the vehicle owner’s manual is the best source of information on towing capacity. You can also usually find this information on a sticker inside the vehicle door jamb, or on the manufacturer’s website. The Gross Combined Vehicle Weight (GCVW) is the most critical rating to determine. The GCVW is the maximum combined weight of the fully loaded tow vehicle with passengers, fuel and gear plus the weight of your boat (including its fuel and gear) and the trailer. The best way to accurately check GCVW is on a public scale at a truck stop or municipal facility. Weigh your rig with the fuel and gear you take to the water. Also pay attention to the maximum weight ratings of the trailer and the trailer hitch.

Tyre pressure

Tyre failures caused by low air pressure are the most common cause of trailer trouble. Under-inflation can cause a tire to overheat, delaminate and fail – a dangerous circumstance at highway speeds. Check the trailer tyre air pressure – including the spare tyre – before every trip and set it to the pressure listed on the sidewall of the tire or on the capacity sticker on the trailer, which may be 60 psi or more. It is especially important to check the tyres after the trailer has been sitting unused during the offseason. Visually inspecting the tyre treads and sidewalls for wear or damage before every trip is also a good practice.

Wheel bearings

Failed wheel bearings are another common cause of trailer trouble. A boat trailer axle hub should be equipped with a wheel bearing protector (the Bearing Buddy® brand is a common term for all bearing protectors), which uses a spring-loaded piston to hold grease in the wheel hub and has a grease fitting in its centre. This prevents water from entering the hub and corroding the bearing assembly. Read the instructions that come with your trailer for details on adding or replacing bearing grease. Even with bearing protectors, it is a good idea to inspect and repack the wheel bearings with fresh grease every three to five seasons. Mercury Extreme Grease is an excellent general-purpose choice for use in trailer bearings that will be frequently exposed to water.

Trailer brakes

All but the lightest boat/trailer combinations will be equipped with brakes, which require occasional maintenance to ensure safe performance. Check your trailer owner’s manual for specific brake maintenance instructions.

Keep brakes clean

If you launch your boat in saltwater it is important to rinse the trailer brakes and wheels with freshwater as soon as possible after you retrieve the boat. This helps prevent corrosion of brake components and wheel lug nuts. Many marinas have a freshwater hose available for this purpose, and some trailers may be equipped with an onboard hose connection and system to rinse the brakes.

Brake fluid

For trailers with hydraulic brakes, check the brake fluid reservoir in the master cylinder (typically mounted on the trailer tongue) a couple of times a season, following instructions in the trailer owner’s manual. The fluid level will go down as the pads wear. If the level is suddenly very low you could have a leak in the brake system, which should be repaired immediately.

Brake pads or shoes

Trailer brakes may be disc-type (with brake pads) or drum-type (with brake shoes), both of which wear with use, just like the brakes on your tow vehicle. Have the pads or shoes inspected every few seasons by a trailer shop or a general auto repair service.

Trailer hitch & receiver

Applying grease or spray lubricant to the mounting ball, draw bar, hitch retaining pin and receiver mount makes hooking up your trailer easier and reduces wear and rust formation on the components. Also inspect the safety chains that connect the trailer tongue to the receiver hitch on your tow vehicle for weak or broken links.

Trailer lights

Your vehicle’s marker lights are probably obstructed by the boat, so the trailer lights are essential for safety. Check all of your trailer lights every time you hook up the trailer and double-check them during fuelling stops or whenever convenient to catch a failure on the road. If your lights stop working, here are some things to check:


A missing or loose earthing connection is a common cause of trailer light failure. The white wire on your trailer harness is the earth, and it may be secured with a screw to the trailer frame. Remove the screw and use sandpaper to clean the contact point to bare metal.


Inspect the wiring and protect it with electrical tape or wire conduit where it touches or passes through the frame and has an opportunity to chafe through the insulation. This can short circuit the current to earth and cause lights to fail.


Most new trailers have LED lights that are durable and infrequently need replacement, but the incandescent bulbs in older trailer lights can break or burn out and need to be replaced. Apply a dab of dielectric grease to bulb sockets to prevent corrosion.

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