每一次铸造都与众不同,Pro XS 舷外机可提供强大的竞争优势。它们采用专属组件和调整来提高速度和性能。它们是辛勤工作和精密工程的产物。它们身上不存在什么好运。
对于竞争激烈的锦标赛上的垂钓者和只渴望速度的船员们,选择很简单。没有其他舷外机能像 Mercury Pro XS® 发动机那样快速地从零到油门全开。
每一次铸造都与众不同,Pro XS 舷外机可提供强大的竞争优势。它们采用专属组件和调整来提高速度和性能。它们是辛勤工作和精密工程的产物。它们身上不存在什么好运。
无论您是驾驶亚艇还是多鱼种渔船、平底小艇还是平底船,Pro XS 舷外机都能提供您能感受到的性能。醒目的红色图形组合看上去就像得胜的冠军,适合任何想要精英划船体验的人群。
无论您是作为职业选手参加比赛还是想在每个周末获胜,Pro XS 舷外机背后的技术都能让您大放异彩。他们的高输出交流发电机有助于保持电池电量。先进的燃油系统可优化效率,因此您可以在每次出行时探索更远的水域。
SmartCraft 数字技术改善了整体划船体验,让水上的每一天都充分发挥其潜力。
World-class marine products backed by world-class warranties! We stand behind everything we build, and we go the extra mile to ensure your Mercury experience is the best it can be – on the water and off.
Mercury Product Protection is an extended service contract for your Mercury engine and MotorGuide trolling motor that covers certain expenses caused by defects in materials and workmanship after the Mercury Limited Warranty expires.
Take a deeper dive into what makes Mercury Pro XS outboards stand apart with detailed information on each engine and the features that make them unique.
No one understands marine performance like your local Mercury Authorized Dealer. Contact a dealer today to learn how you could power your adventures with a Pro XS outboard.